Thursday, October 18, 2012

Better The Devil You Know?

I've been confounded lately with the proposition of the "lessor known devil". That devil, namely, being Mitt Romney. I know of one particular Republican friend of mine who has a "devil may care" attitude about the impending election. As long as the Republican wins, so much the better. As long as that nice, big (R) is behind their names, we'll be better off, somehow. Why that (R) after the candidate's name means so much, I'm not sure. I, however, am not so easily swayed. What exactly *is* the difference between the two candidates, afterall? Obama has instituted a national healthcare program that was based on RomneyCare; a program that Romney endorsed and supported in Mass., and has stauchly stood behind to this very day. As someone who feels the downfall of America lays in it's healthcare system: Who can I back? Who is out there attempting to understand the downfalls of British-style healthcare? Why, between the two candidates in this (crucial) election, are both in general support of a Federal American HealthCare law? I looks like America loses all around, to me. No matter who is elected.