Wednesday, January 13, 2010

Nuke The Hippies!

WARNING! This is satire..I do not actually want to 'Nuke' anyone, or anything. (Unless they deserve it) Please read with due caution. If you are sensitive, or have no sense of humor, you may want to ignore me altogether.
It all started with the famous T-Shirt: 'Nuke The Whales'...I thought that was hilarious when I first saw it as a kid. As a grown-up (well, that's debatable really), I saw the slogan again and thought, Huh, what else could you 'Nuke'? What are some things that I'd like to get rid of and never see again? And it came to me, of course!... HIPPIES!
Just think of what a wonderful world we'd live in if we could get rid of the never again have to see all of that long, greasy, straggly hair, to not have to ever smell patchouli again... we could abolish Tie-Dye! We could outlaw rose-colored glasses... we could get rid of that stupid Peace sign....
Now, with the liberal (ie Hippie) movie, Avatar, I think that we may have found a way to actually put my 'plan' into action. Could we possibly convince the hippies that there really IS a place just like Pandora? We'd have to say that Dick Cheney has diabolically managed to shrink down their 'paradise world' and has hidden it deep in the mountains of some far-away island in the Pacific. We could tell them that the island has only electric vehicles and all of the electricity comes from solar panels that are installed (free of charge, naturally) onto each home... Psst, you can have all the weed you want, man, and it's FREE!
Word about this new 'Pandora' would spread like wildfire. We'd get them all out there as a group, and well, you know the rest....
Of course, I could go with my other, also funny, idea: Pave The Seas!

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